1 week old babies!

Badger (family name :) and Aero
More like twins than the litter we were expecting, but they make up for it in boundless energy and comical fights. How can anyone hate such beautiful creatures ?
When they're first born they have no eyes or ears, and are completely reliant on their mother. They squeak almost constantly when awake at first (just like humans) :)
Daughters to: Echo and Splat

Babies @ 2 weeks

Babies in jar

Badger and Aero in what has become known as 'the birthing jar' as Alex - carer of Splat & eight others - called it after many of her rats were born in it.

Baby Aero

Looks just like her mum :)

Baby Badger

Not too common to see a girl-rat asleep on your lap, it's more of a boy-rat thing.

Tiny Baby Badger

She is smaller than it looks in the picture, the 'huge' box is a bird-box.. :)
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